Jose Heroys

If you would like to get in touch, please read this first:

  • October 2024: I am currently making birds for a new release. I can take a few reservation requests but am not accepting commissions at present. If there is a bird you would like to reserve, please get in touch.

  • Birds start at £98 and I ship worldwide. Small birds (e.g. Robin) cost £110—£120. Prices for many of my other birds can be found on the Shop page

  • I don’t provide prices in other currencies. Please convert to your own currency using a currency converter

  • Most of my birds are sold through the quarterly releases. I accept a few special orders each month, and 1 or 2 commissions a year.

  • Sorry, but I don’t sell patterns or provide guidance on how to make my birds.

I’m based in Haywards Heath, West Sussex, UK

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